Golf Swing Training Aid
The Swing Guide is designed to add distance and accuracy by improving your swing plane, swing tempo, club face alignment, and follow through.
Promotes the proper wrist hinge at the top of the backswing, and a powerful lag position on the downswing. By setting the correct position of the backswing it allows you to get a feel for what the prefect swing is. It can be used whilst hitting balls at practice, at the driving range, in the backyard, at home … Use this tool until it becomes natural.
Correct your face alignment through your golf swing to reduce problems with slicing and hooking of the golf ball which leads to greater distance, better accuracy and most importantly lower your scores!
By correcting the form of your backswing, it will increase your distance. Yes the pros swing very hard, but that's not the only thing that makes their drives go upwards of 340 yards. They are on the correct path all the way through. The correct swing pattern will allow you to hit your balls further.
Very easy to use - Attach the clip to the shaft of your golf club on one end and let the built-in rest to fit against your left forearm (for right handed). Performance for all ! The Swing Guide is suitable for golfers of all levels, beginners, social golfers, professionals golfers, right and left handed, for men, women and junior golfers.